Plumbing System, Drain, Garbage Disposal, Leaks, Maintenance, Plumbing Practices, Water Heater, Water Pressure

As we ring in the New Year, it’s a great time for homeowners to think about their habits and set New Year’s resolutions for a more efficient plumbing system. Because, let’s face it, dealing with a hefty water bill or a wonky water heater is no fun. By following a few simple steps, like fixing leaks immediately and being mindful of what goes down the garbage disposal, you can keep your plumbing in top shape all year round. So kick back, relax, grab a coffee – whatever you need and discover with us the eight practical ways to enforce better plumbing practices in your home, as recommended by your experts at Loveland Plumbing & Drain

  1. Water Bill- One of the best ways to catch plumbing problems early on is by keeping an eye on your water bill. If you notice a sudden increase in water usage without any changes at home, it could mean there’s a leak or some other issue. By regularly checking your water bill, you can catch and fix these problems before they become expensive and disruptive. 
  1. Leaks- Kick off the year right by addressing any leaks in your home right away. Letting leaks go unfixed for longer periods of time not only wastes water but could also turn into a larger plumbing problem. So, be sure to keep a watchful eye out for leaks in sinks, outdoor fixtures, appliances, and around toilets. If you’re dealing with any of these issues, make sure to address them promptly.  
  1. Drain Cleaners- Most drain cleaners sold in stores have highly toxic chemicals. Not only are they unsafe around kids and bad for everyone’s health, but they can also mess up your pipes. No matter what your pipes are made of, those same cleaners that promise to clear clogs can actually eat away at them, causing more destruction to your pipes in the long run. Ultimately, it’s better to skip those drain cleaners and think about hiring a professional plumber like Loveland Plumbing & Drain when you’re dealing with a particularly stubborn clog. 
  1. Drain Screens- To help prevent nasty clogs in your sink and shower drains, it’s a good idea to use drain screens. These inexpensive gadgets do a great job of catching hair, food particles, and other gunk, keeping it from building up and causing preventable blockages. Just remember to keep those drains clean and clear! 
  1. Running Toilets- Having a toilet that keeps running is not only a waste of water, but it might also be a sign of a bigger plumbing issue. So, it’s important to act fast and fix the problem to avoid wasting water and potential toilet damage. Plus, if your toilet has any worn-out parts, now is a good time to replace them. This could include things like the flush handle, the toilet seat, or the float ball in the tank.  
  1. Water Heater- Per industry standards, it’s recommended to regularly flush and drain your water heater to get rid of sediment buildup. This simple maintenance task helps improve efficiency and aids in prolonging the longevity of your water heater. Also, don’t forget to check and adjust the temperature setting to make sure it’s just right for safe and optimal use. Finding the perfect balance can save you money on energy bills and keep your water heater working like a charm.  
  1. Garbage Disposal- Not all food scraps are cool to toss. Improper disposal can mess up your system and cause clogs. So, it’s important to steer clear of hard food scraps like bones, fruit pits, and fibrous foods like celery or banana peels. Instead, think about composting or chucking these items in the trash.    
  1. Plumbing Maintenance- Just like we go for annual check-ups with the doctor, our plumbing systems also need regular maintenance. By getting a professional plumbing inspection at least once a year, you can catch and fix any potential issues before they become bigger and more expensive problems.  

To sum it up, adding these eight habits to your routine can really boost the durability and functionality of your plumbing system. Remember, staying proactive and mindful in your usage is key to keeping your plumbing system healthy. No need to wait for a plumbing emergency to strike before taking action. Let’s kick off the New Year right by committing to these simple yet effective resolutions and enjoy peace of mind with a well-maintained plumbing system. Here’s to an awesome year ahead with fewer plumbing issues and better plumbing habits in 2024!  

We look forward to servicing your home’s plumbing in the new year! Call Loveland Plumbing & Drain today at (513) 644-0556, or schedule an appointment now by clicking here